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Game drives in Uganda, With spectacular landscapes and diversity of outstanding wildlife, Uganda offers the best opportunity for Game drives in East Africa and beyond. With over 5 savannah National Parks and more than 10 Wildlife Reserves for Game drives in Uganda, you have more than spectacular to experience.

Game drives in Murchison Falls National Park

Located in the North-western side of Uganda and gazetted in 1952, Murchison falls National Park is the most popular spot for game drives in Uganda with the hot spots being the Delta where tourists have chances of seeing the “King of the Jungle”-lions. The southern part of this Park also known as the “Heart of Murchison” is the epitome of beauty with a vast tract of savannah extending to the River and also a wonderful spot of sighting the lions. Another interesting spot for game drives in this Park is the Buligi Peninsula-a triangle of savannah grassland surrounded by the Victoria Nile before entering Lake Albert. While here, expect to see the African buffaloes, Rothschild giraffes, Elephants, Uganda kobs, Topis, Oribis, bushbucks, waterbucks, leopards and even lions.

Game drives in Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo Valley National Park is a true definition of an African wilderness Park and unlike most savannah Parks in the country, this Park in the remote North-eastern corner of Uganda is where outstanding wildlife and bird species can be spotted. The Park was gazetted in 1962 and covers an area of 1442 square kilometers with the southerly Narus Valley being the richest spot for wildlife. This part of the Park contains permanent water points where most wildlife species usually gather. While here, you will see the duikers, elephants in the wetlands, Cape buffaloes, Rothschild giraffes, giant elands on the drier slopes, leopards, jackals, bushbucks, lions and cheetahs on rock kopjes, bush pigs and many other wildlife species.

Additionally, a drive to the dry Kidepo Valley offers less wildlife but will introduce you to the breathtaking scenery of the Park. You will see the Kanangorok hot springs, The Jebel Lotuke in South Sudan, the sandy bed of the Kidepo River and the Morungole Mountain from a distance. The Ostriches and Secretary birds can be spotted along this drive.

Game drives in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Gazetted in 1952, Queen Elizabeth National Park is known for offering unforgettable African safari experiences through its well-designated game tracks that run through the Ishasha sector, Kasenyi plains as well as the North Kazinga Plains. The Ishasha sector is popular for the tree climbing lions always relaxing on fig-tree branches as well as the elephants, Topis, Uganda kobs, buffaloes and warthogs grazing freely. The Kasenyi plains in the other hand is referred as the primary game viewing area for lions and Uganda kobs playing hide and seek in the in grasslands.  This Park is found in the western side of the country, at the backdrop of the Rwenzori Mountains dubbed as the “Mountains of the Moon”.

Game drives in Lake Mburo National Park

Lake Mburo National Park in western Uganda is the smallest savannah National Park but surprisingly the home to rare wildlife species such as the impalas and zebras. It is characterized by a network of interconnected game tracks transversing through different landscapes-grassy hillsides, acacia woodlands, rocky outcrops and savannah plains. Morning, afternoon and evening game drives are conducted in Lake Mburo National Park assuring tourists of seeing the buffaloes, pottos, warthogs, impalas, Topis, leopards, Rothschild giraffes, Defassa waterbucks, bush babies, the rare elands and many others.

Game drives in Semliki National Park

Semliki is a remote and often neglected yet endowed destination in the western district of Bundibugyo offering three magnificent game tracks through the vast savannah grasslands. These tracks introduce tourists to the savannah and forest elephants, Hippos, warthogs, white-tailed mongoose, Defassa waterbucks, elands, buffaloes and Uganda kobs.

Game drives in Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve

Extending for over 2788 square kilometers, Pian Upe is the second largest Protected Area in Uganda and interestingly is one of the best wildlife Reserves in the country. This semi-arid Reserve is found in the north-eastern side of the country with varying vegetation types that offer shelter to the zebras, striped hyenas, Dik-dik, buffaloes, elephants, rock hyrax, cheetahs, duikers, Uganda kobs, spotted hyenas, and Roan antelopes among others. The well-maintained game tracks in Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve not only offer opportunities of seeing the wildlife but also reptiles especially rock pythons as they swallow their prey.

Game drives in Katonga Wildlife Reserve

Katonga in the western side of Uganda is another popular Wildlife Reserve for game drives. It was established in 1964 as a corridor for migrating wildlife from western Uganda to the neighboring South Sudan and Tanzania and extends for over 207 square kilometers. Its diverse vegetation with woodlands, grasslands, wetlands and riverine grasslands are shelter to various wildlife species. The game tracks in this wildlife Reserve offer chances of spotting the Sitatunga, elephants, zebras, waterbucks, zebras, bushbucks, Reedbucks, duikers, buffaloes and impalas among others. Additionally, some of the 150 species of birds can be spotted during game drives, especially when using open-roofed vehicles and night game drives are ideal for spotting the bush babies, leopards and pottos among others.

Best time for Game drives in Uganda

Game drives in Uganda are conducted all year round but it is said that the dry season-June to September as well as early December to February is ideal for the activity because during this season animals can easily be spotted lying in the shade and around water drinking points.

Game drives at dusk or the break of dawn are perfect for spotting the nocturnal animals like lions, leopards, bush babies, pottos and spotted hyenas among others.

What to carry/pack for game drives in Uganda


The most essential items to pack for your game viewing trip to Uganda are insect repellant, camera, sunscreen, sunglasses, water bottle, safari pants, pair of shorts, long and short sleeved shirts, hiking boots/closed shoes, toiletries (lotion, hair ties, tissue, tooth paste, hair gel and toothbrush), a hat, flip-flops, backpack, pair of binoculars, a rain jacket, first aid kit and documents among others.

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